Family Daycare ​Homes

Supporting Document and Claim Submission

Register with CNR

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The Louisiana state department of Education has partnered ​with CN Resource to help facilitate data collection and ​validation of claim documents for providers that were ​previously with the sponsor Regional Nutrition Assistance, ​Inc.

This sponsor is no longer participating in the Louisiana Family ​Day Care Home Food Program effective March 28, 2024. If ​you offer organized childcare in your home and wish to ​continue participating in the FDCHFP, you must contact one ​of the state approved agencies.

Providers who submitted eligible February 2024 claims, must ​register with CNR and provide the required information in ​order to receive the February Reimbursement.

CN Resource will collect the required documents, ​communicate with the providers for missing ​information, and validate the submitted claim.

Once all claim validation is complete, the state ​agency will provide specific information for ​payment collection for each provider.


The deadline for submitting February ​claim documentation to CN Resource ​is Monday, June 10, 2024.

other claim months

You will not be eligible to claim for any other months ​unless and until you have a valid agreement with another ​participating sponsor, with an exception to March 2024. ​Your new sponsor may assess the validity of your March ​documentation and submit a claim for reimbursement by ​Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Submission Process

Once registered with CN Resource you will receive an email with a link to a secure shared folder using Syncplicity.

Create an Account to View the Shared Folder

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Cr​eate an account

Once registered with CN Resource ​you will receive an email with a link ​to a secure shared folder using ​Syncplicity.

Chalk cloud upload
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Upload Documents

The email from CNR will include a ​specific list of documents that must be ​uploaded. Upload each document with ​a clear file name.

email inbox, online communication and e-mail marketing
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Check your Emails

CN Resource will review all submitted ​documents and will notify you if ​additional information is needed or ​confirm the submission is complete.

Required Documents


Valid Photo ID. (i.e. Driver's license, state issued ID, ​passport, military ID) If the address on your photo ID does ​not match your service address you must also provide ​proof of residency in the applicant’s name. These can ​include: current utility bill (Property-based bills such as ​electricity, gas, water, sewer, cable, garbage) Current ​lease or mortgage statement.

Menu - Detailed menu showing the daily offering and ​portion size of each item for February 2024.

Child Registration Forms

Meal Count and Attendance- documentation for the ​February 2024 claim.

**CN Resource will access Kidkare to review the Child ​registration forms and Meal Count and Attendance if ​they were previously submitted.



We can help.




(866) 941-6368

(​480) 325-9966